作为在丹麦生活过四年的我,可以说是很了解了。 首先, Denmark is a really good place to live if you are into sports. In my hometown alone there are about 100 people playing on football teams in the men's division and many more in women's divisions as well as in basketball, handball etc. The community feeling towards sport is great here and it feels like everyone can at least dabble in something. 丹麦是一个很好的地方居住,如果你热爱运动。在我家乡单单有大约一百人在男子足球队在 Division 和许多更多的妇女足球队的划分中以及篮球、手球等等。对运动的社区感在这里很好,感觉就像每个人都至少可以涉足的事情。
Secondly, Education, health care and sport are seen as three pillars of society that support each other. For example, we have this concept called “Pilots” which means when you are young your education is prioritized but then later in life work-life balance is emphasized. So regardless of what level of sports you play, there will always be someone close by who is doing the same thing or has been through similar things as you. 其次,教育、卫生保健和体育运动被认为是社会的三大支柱,互相支持。例如,我们有这样的概念叫做“飞行员”这是什么意思呢?就是说当你年轻的时候你的教育是受到优先重视的,但是之后的生活工作平衡会受到强调。所以不管你参加什么水平的体育赛事,总会有人做同样的事或经历过与你类似的事情。
Third, There will never be any doubt where to find the best players for any given sport because they will all be collected in one league, just as in every other professional sport played in Denmark。 第三,对于任何给定项目的最佳球员哪里能找到永远不会有疑问因为他们都收集在一个联赛里,正如丹麦所有其他职业运动一样。