

2014年巴西世界杯,C罗身穿3号球衣,这个号码在皇马历史中有着特殊的意义,因为3号是皇马的队魂之一,也是西班牙国家队曾经的队长,曾担任皇马和西班牙国家队两重身份的阿尔瓦雷斯。 而在场上,C罗身披3号战袍踢出了他最接近完美的世界杯。在那届赛事上,C罗打进5粒进球,帮助卫冕冠军西班牙队顺利夺冠。其中加时赛对阵德国队的决赛,正是C罗一脚定乾坤,才使西班牙最终夺冠。 C罗在世界杯上的5个进球都极具价值,不仅帮助球队获胜,而且使得西班牙成为了继德国、阿根廷之后,第三支世界杯决赛圈比赛中没有丢球的球队,同时完成了连续7次零封的壮举。C罗还以5个进球成为那年的世界杯助攻王。 当然,那只是C罗职业生涯第一次也是唯一一次代表西班牙国家队参加的世界杯,由于在西甲赛场与皇马队友的配合已经十分娴熟,所以C罗在国家队的发挥可以说丝毫不逊于在皇马的表现。加上有劳尔这样的前辈做榜样,C罗自然而然成为了球队进攻的顶梁柱。

值得一提的是,在2018年俄罗斯世界杯开幕式上,当法国队与中国队尚未交锋之时,作为东道主的俄罗斯总统普京竟然特地将西伯利亚的猛犸象化石搬到了体育场,就是为了向两国观众炫耀自己国家独有的物种——也就是已经绝后了的猛犸象。 而当西班牙与克罗地亚半决赛相遇,双方90分钟战成0-0平局需要加赛一场之时,天空忽然下起大雨,此时普京又显神通,让舞台瞬间变成冰雪世界,还真的用冰做成一个足球场,令全场震惊。


3 - c.Ronaldo's #10 shirt in the World Cup is no longer available on Fanatics.com and was replaced with a new one for Brazil (which will be reissued after his retirement). So where can you get this iconic jersey of Cristiano Ronaldo wearing it at Euro 2016, or just about any other European Championship? There are some options out there if you know what to look for:

#1. Check eBay. You might find an old stock that hasn’t sold yet(with low bidding). It could cost you as much as $495US but would still make your collection complete without buying all the versions from Nike/Adidas. I found this listing right here. And so did many others! (The seller won't let me post another link anymore so click HERE ).

#2. Find an eBay seller who specializes in authentic jerseys like these guys I bought mine off one of their listings last year when my wife wanted him to wear the jersey she had been saving up money for since 2008;the day before he got injured we got this jersey signed by himself, then gave it away to her as a gift the next month while visiting Portugal! My daughter loved having a piece of history in front of her eyes...she has never let go of her cherished memory and treasure! We hope someday she will pass down our gift to someone else in the future. In fact I recently saw them listed again online now back up in price !

#3. Search Craiglist. This is probably the best place to search if you want a slightly less expensive option than ebay but have trouble finding anything specific---it's not always easy to tell which sellers actually own the sports memorabilia they list. Remember to use caution with any Craiglist transaction!

#4. Try Amazon or Google Shopping. Be sure to check those first too because sometimes things pop up that aren't even on eBay.

#5. Keep checking Hometown Sports & Memorabilia Store near YOU(here's theirs https://amzn.to/2OYkUWm).
