

“芭比”的英文是Barbie,由Barbara和Doll合成而来。1953年6月17日,美国纽约。 当时,玩具公司Mattel的董事长Ruth Handler和她的好朋友Fredericka Thrasher正在闲聊,Ruth说想要给自己女儿芭芭拉(Barbara)打造一个完美的玩偶。于是,世界上第一个仿真塑料芭比娃娃诞生了。 这个看起来非常现代而且很酷的娃娃一出现就大受欢迎,甚至受到了总统肯尼迪小女儿的追捧。


歌词如下: There once was a girl named Barbara Who had hair of gold. Her sister's name was Beth and she lived in a barn, With five little pigs who were her playmates. One day as they played, “Let’s pretend we’re married!”“I do!” said the pigs. And off they all went to live in a house made of straw. Then along came a boy with eyes of blue And he saw this girl with her pigs out playing. He thought to himself, ‘What a wonderful creature, I wish I could own one like her!’ So he bought the pigs at the market on Monday; On Tuesday he got down on his knees To pray that his pig would grow up to be hers. He even offered to buy her beautiful hair, But she said, “No thank you, my hair is not for sale。” He asked for her hand in marriage; She said, “Next year at this time, if you have not given up, You may have my hand, but only because it’s summer. Tomorrow will be too late!” The next day, while everyone slept, The groom-to-be cut off her golden hair And tied it round with a ribbon. When she awoke, there among her toys Was a doll just like herself, Only smaller, of course, And its hair was as yellow as corn. She held it close and gave it a name It would always remind her Of how a man loves a woman. From then on she never forgot—— Barbie was born!
